Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Supporting Our Troops Isn't a Pass into Heaven

I got another one of those mass emails the other day that is sure to have made it to China by now and back, 283 times. Since it was about Tiger Woods and I am a fan it got my attention.

Okay, I am all for appreciating and honoring our troops and our veterans. I never served in the military but some good buddies of mine have, therefore I kind of understand all they sacrifice on our behalf, at least I try to. Some soldiers even lay their lives down for love of country. So, the last thing I am attempting to do here (and I need to be clear because I have been misunderstood and called everything short of a communist before), is to slam our troops. I thank God for America and for those who protect her.

The following is someones anonymous response (something someone is not willing to put their name on but they'll send it the far corners of the earth) that I received by email the other day) to Tiger Wood's two minute speech at the Inauguration this past January titled "You'll Never Walk Alone", which highlighted his experience growing up the son of a special operations officer (for kicks I watched the speech yesterday over at YouTube, it seemed sincere as far as I could tell and very classy).

Since I don't think I could do the email justice I will just post it here.

I have never been more proud of Tiger Woods than when I heard his 2-minute tribute to the military at the Inaugural Celebration in Washington DC . You know he was greatly pressured to be there. Liberals have been mad at him for a decade for not joining their ranks. You know he didn't want to be there. So instead of paying homage to Obama, he paid tribute to our soldiers. Not one time did he mention Obama, the inauguration or the new administration. He knew beforehand that his love for America , and appreciation for our military men and women would anger them further. But Tiger is his own man; his father taught him to be his own man.

Somewhere over that cold, gray Washington sky, old Earl Woods was smiling down on his beloved son. And there will be one more crying hug waiting for Tiger when he passes through the pearly gates into God's arms.
Like I said, no one puts their name on these emails and it's no wonder why.


I held the elevator open for an elderly couple a few weeks back when I accompanied my dad to the hospital for his twice a decade colonoscopy, maybe it's safe to assume my going with my dad or my nice deed for the day means I'll be passing through the pearly gates too? And maybe in the final tally my good works will outweigh my boatload of sins?

I thoroughly enjoy watching Tiger Woods golf. I am sure he is a fine individual and anyone who follows golf from a distance knows he is a fierce competitor. That being said however, I am not sure it is safe to assume that Tiger Woods knows Christ. God knows that, we can only speculate. But to insinuate that he is going to walk through the pearly gates because, one, he wouldn't oblige the liberals, or two, he honored the men and women in uniform who protect our liberty, is theological nonsense.

9...because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. ~Romans 10:9-10, ESV
Does anyone believe in justification by faith anymore?

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